vietnam home decorating


Renovating your home is a big and daunting task.  Lots of time goes into the planning and phase of figuring out your expected results and general requirements.  Finding and choosing the right decoration company is one of the key challenges, and we at KingKho Mini Storage like to share some tips when choosing the right renovation company!


–1– Check The Portfolio And Credentials In Detail.

Whenever choosing a vendor, ask for past design works, and third-party references.  Don’t be afraid to ask for and contact customers who used the service of the vendor before.


–2– Look Closely At The Work Quality:

Only consider companies that are fully licensed and with the necessary experience in the type of renovation you require.  For example, if you need to renovate your bathroom, only work with a decoration company that has done at least ten or so other bathroom renovation projects.


–3– Watch Out If A Vendor Offers Free Design.

Many decoration companies try to lure potential customers in by offering them free design.  As the saying goes “there is no free lunch” – they will just add the costs somewhere else.  Better work with a trusted and reliable supplier being open and transparent about his cost structure.


–4– Double- And Triple-Check Quotations.  

We recommend checking each estimate meticulously and carefully for the following:  brands used, size specifications, quantities, materials being used (especially avoid cheap paint, etc.).


–5– Inspection and Checking.  

Go to the renovation site frequently, also show up announced.  You are paying for the renovation work, thus you also have the right to see what is going on.  Especially if the decoration company knows you are checking in on a regular basis, the chance of doing something improper is reduced.

Besides, please make sure you keep your furniture, expensive household items and other valuables safe and secure.  Putting your valuables in mini storage, for example in our Hanoi Storage Facility, is easy, affordable and can save you a lot of headaches!


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